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Will's photographs contains nudity.
I think the stereotype is that a lot of gay men are ripped and, you know, go to the gym six days a week. There's certainly a segment of the community that's like that. But, you know, not everyone is like that. Being queer and Asian... so if you're not a cisgender white male in the gay community, there are usually barriers and hurdles that you face and oftentimes have to overcome. And I think that's true regardless of your color, regardless of your ability, regardless of if you're trans or not, your gender identity.
I had one guy messaged me on Grindr, he messaged me, he said, "I'm not into Asians." I wasn't asking you... he felt compelled to reach out. Many of my queer brothers and sisters that are of color, I think, have faced similar experiences, particularly on the apps.
I wish that wasn't the case. I can let it eat at me or I can choose to not let it eat at me and just live my life.
I'm comfortable with my body. I know I'm not ripped or I have six pack abs, but I like my body for what it is.
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